
Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Pet day writing

For pet day we had to create a small description describing our pets, can you guess what mine is?
Pet description
Deep brown eyes look deep into your soul. Small droopy ears cascade over her small head. A oval like body only brings back the pain of her partners death. A thick straight tail, always wagging. Four skinny legs with paws at the end of them. As far as cuteness goes she is one of a kind. Straight blonde streaks coat her large body. To us she is not just a pet she is a member of our family. Thick strands of blonde fur  streak across her body. A tiny ring of brown sit delicately around her neck. As soon as you see her chubby underbelly she’s no longer a vicious animal but an excellent pet. Short thin stripes of brown hiding amongst the blonde. Muculent drool covers her red tongue.

A deep growl erupts when the small pot bellied beast attacks. Its ear piercing whimper acts as a white flag for their kind, symbolic of her ability to surrender.  An angry snarl is heard when a brawl takes place. The slobbery sneeze sprays muculent saliva everywhere. Claws sounding like high heels on concrete.

A joyous wag of her brown tail reflects her caring personality. She lets out a protective bark every time a bike or pedestrian. She’s treated like a queen -not even moving a finger. But all in all she is the best pet ever and we love her .

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Survival Island


Survivor Island
On Monday we had a Survivor Island It was a soggy day. After we crashed on our Islands. (A patch of grass with shark infested spray paint around us) The criteria was to build a TeePee that our teams of Castaways could all fit in and could last a tsunami. ( being shook and a bucket of water being chucked on us) As well as one of our ‘teammates’ being injured  we had to bandage them up and build a stretcher and carry them to the other side of the field, and run back. We had to create a lunch for all of our team mates to ‘enjoy’ - aka chargrilled sausages…. It was really cool.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

character description

For this past week we have made character description we had to choose either a person we know in real life or a character from our novel for our third novel study we had to write about their face, skin, actions and personality.

Her shimmering blonde hairs sat neatly in a ponytail. It swayed whenever she ran.  
Her pale face reflects the glow from her hair. Two friendly blue eyes always gently gazed at me.A bright smile emerged at least 20 times a day. She always sat perfectly upright, like she had been raised in a really posh private school. Her joy was so huge that at any moment you would think her smile would explode.
Miss De Wolde’s white skin shone like snow in the daylight. Her face was covered in makeup on. Her shiny nose piercing stood out like a single tree in an empty paddock.

She loved to talk about her farm and about how she was named after a peculiar thing. I remember that she was named after a cow!
She often spoke of her  home country and how all the houses squeezed together not much like New Zealand. Miss De Wolde had an enthusiastic voice. She was a very friendly teacher and everybody liked her.She always laughed when someone has done something wrong and could never really punish us properly!

Her athleticism was only the tip of the iceberg - who knew that she was also smart, friendly and a great teacher. The victim of loads of blonde jokes.  Her enthusiasm for PE was unimaginable she played multiple sports she got into the CSC first 15 women's rugby team. She was here from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm.

She excelled in everything she tried with us. We didn’t know what we had until we lost her. To Heddon Bush.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Prose Piece

I am learning to write a piece of prose  a sketch with detailed words, about a particular PERSON , that is very important to me to do this we had to create an ANV chart. Our success criteria was for it to be a story not a list of our ANV.

His personality accepts every challenge like a stride. Dull brown freckles scattered like debris on a destroyed city. Short brown hair always the same every morning. His blood red ears protrude like trees in an open plane. Bony fingers stick out of a rough hand.His kind smile creates happiness in everyone around, and his great jokes never fail to make everyone laugh.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Novel study

This is a poem about the house in Berlin from the boy in the striped pj's.  I read the book and whatched the movie to help me describe it. I also used an A.N.V chart to describe the scene and the scenario. What do you think?
The House in Berlin was nice Enough.  It had Five floors, a long banister and a big dining room that was filled of memories.A big room with books and colourful toys. A hanging window that could see the whole city.I did what any boy would do I explored giant, expensive house Walking around Berlin with my best friends for life. Playing, laughing listening Doing everything important

Monday, 31 July 2017

100 word challenge

Today our success criteria was to create a 100 word challenge. we had to write about what was going on i this part of the book. I chose to write about Maria the maid in the boy in the striped pajamas. I hope you enjoy it.

July 04 1930
Master Bruno Is very annoyed at the arrangements. He also insulted his father and I have done something that was very stupid, I have told him about my grandmother. I think he has learned about how kind his father really is. But I hope that he doesn’t tell his father. It would be better if he just stopped being nosy it would be better for everyone.

July 05 1930

Master Bruno is treating me like a person but he has built a swing to entertain himself but it doesn't look safe I hope he will be okay.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Novel study

Today our success criteria was to create a 100 word challenge. It has to be about a character . I chose to write about Schmaul the Jew. I hope you enjoy it.

The cold.
Once I was a kid playing football in the paddock with my brother in a warm nice house.
Then the Nazis came with their guns and batons. Now I am forced to live in the paddock I have no Idea where mother has gone or father. The only thing I am allowed to have is a calendar for all the months of hell I've been through. I pray to find mother and father.

August 03 1931

I am headed to a hut today I hope it is nice and warm. But something about this doesn't feel right, I’m going away.

Monday, 24 July 2017

My holidays

This morning we had to write 5 simple sentences we used connectives and openers  to make  them better. it was quite hard for me but I think I got better.

In the holidays the weather was aggressively raining in addition to being cloudy. Even though It was the holidays we had to do chores. On the second Wednesday of the holidays, it was my birthday. On the second Saturday, I played football In Invercargill. Because of the rain we could not go outside, never the less we played board games. 

Thursday, 6 July 2017

First aid DLO Self Reflection

Best at Bandaging!

After our session with Felicia from St John's in Schools we realised we had learnt a lot. We can we share what we have learnt? So we brainstormed lots of ideas...from making movies to presentations to art projects. Eventually we split into groups and decided what we want to create.
My group was Kaiden, Blake and I  and we decided to create a Movie to share our learning.Thanks for watching - I hope you learn something!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

100 Word Challenge

This week we are learning to change our openings for sentences the prompt was 'what do I need now.' 

“What do I need now, nachos”
among the rubble Nachos. I had to get to my house before anyone notices. Deep voices echoing; they are coming this way, i sprint past the rubble and jump in the hole. Five minutes later Joseph comes with a paper bag.
“Medicine” I whisper. Joseph nods
“it’ll be worth $500, (sigh) if we sell it t…”
“no!” I interrupt.
“ Can I have some” Pointing to the lukewarm nachos.
“I hear they are having a raid tonight.”
“oh yea” I say. A rock falls onto the floor.
“ The raid it’s here!” I scream.
“AAA I've been shot!"
By Cormac

Monday, 3 July 2017


We have done this DigiDig, which is to help us use our Chrome books. We learnt our keyboard shortcuts. We had to do a course about it which is on the slideshow below. I enjoyed learning the keyboard shortcuts because it was really cool. I learnt how to use more Chrome book more efficiently. I was challenged when we had to insert a video, but because I found this introduction on it and I could do it. I hope you enjoy it - I did!

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

100 WC

This weeks 100 word challenge it was about a terrible weather change had to use then the weather changed dramatically.

He has spent weeks in the Sahara waiting for civilization. The heat was almost killing James he soon collapsed in his tent once the sun went down the weather changed dramatically. He was almost frozen in his tent. He felt like he would die right here he would freeze from the temperature dropping. He would freeze to death. Trembling he decided to push on.
“If I die then I will at least be closer to civilisation.”

Trudging on in  the bitter cold he was coming closer to a nest of scorpions; he felt something stab him “Aah!” He was stung

Friday, 23 June 2017

The Most Awesome Lions Tour!

The last few weeks we have done a math slide about the lions tour. I enjoyed the first activity because it was fun to create. It is important because you can learn budgeting skills so this is more important when we go to places overseas. The link to my budget is here.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Speech Board!

Every year we do Speech board - this is when you give a speech, poem and a book extract. I have done my speech on the Symphyla which is a bug that eats plants before they are ripe. We get assessed on these three subjects to see where we are with Oral Language. We are graded with Distinction, Highly Commended, Commended, Pass and Fail. Mrs Dalziel was  our assessor who was grading us.

After weeks and weeks of practice it was finally the day. I was really nervous but being second last is the second worst group to be in. And on top of that I was last to do my speech! (so that was even worse.) But on the upside I was first to do my poem (Yay) I thought I rocked it! Then it was the book extract. Carey was up first. Reading ‘Pony Pals too many ponies’’. Then Blake who was reading ‘The Boy in the Dress’ by David Walliams. Then it was me, (dun dun dun!) I was reading Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan. I was especially nervous because I changed my page two days ago! But it was definitely hard.

The results came in at 3:00 pm which was when we got home and there were a lot of distinctions and then I heard my name being called… Cormac, Distinction!

Monday, 19 June 2017

100 word challenge

This week the 100 word challenge was about a photo that had three workers and a gooey chocolate egg.
What The?

The screams were heard through the streets. Three brave men ran up to the  chocolate mess and laid out three cones? The three cowards ran off. Minutes later the professionals came to the scene. Studying the… “It’s an egg you don’t need to study it!” Someone yelled. “ why don’t you just have a bulldozer push it!”called a lady. “Yea!” they all shouted. The people marched towards the workers. Cowering away the walkie talkie whistled the protesters screamed in pain and drove off. “Where do you think they’ll go?” said one worker. “To the other breakroom” They replied.

By Cormac

Friday, 16 June 2017

Writing a Quality Blog Comment

We are learning to write a quality blog comment. I have
* I have only use positive things.
*I have ended with a question.
*I have shown Interest in the post.
* I have been specific 

Thursday, 15 June 2017

100 Word Challenge

This week this 100 word challenge is about Andrew. He is a V.S.O (voluntary service overseas) We were writing a letter to Andrew. About is job delivering babies.

Dear Andrew,

Today must have been tough. Delivering babies is tough work. With two lives always at risk who knows what will happen. How many times were you half awake and fell asleep in a patient's house? How hard is the pressure? What was the hardest job? With this job how many people have named their babies after you or was it just one person? With a job like this how important is self confidence? Do you have a wife and kids or not? Is this job the most important thing or is it something else?

Yours Sincerely,

Cormac Marron

Friday, 9 June 2017

100 word challenge

The one hundred word challenge is on Monday we get a new challenge it has to have 100 words except the By (your name). I enjoyed it because it was a challenge because it has 100 exact words. you also had to use "the water just kept gushing out"

I bravely crawled  under the sink the gurgling of the water was
disgusting and I instantly knew where the problem was. Cobwebs suddenly went into my hair and I barely  made it out alive. I made it out with a concussion and I was unconscious. An hour  later I tried it again or what seemed like one second but I undid the nut and then the water just kept gushing out. Onto my face onto my pants! “ next time I should hire a plumber.” I thought. The water was still coming out and then I stood on something “a hairball!”

By Cormac

Pictochart About Me

This week we were introduced to Piktochart. On this poster I had what I like doing what I like to do and which country I come from. I enjoyed the process of this because of the awesome emoji's and drawings. If I did this again I would Probably put less photos and more writing. I learnt how to use the emoji's and the Black Inky drawings these are awesome.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.